export function isRoute(route: unknown): route is RouterRoute
export function isRoute<
TRoute extends RouterRoute,
TRouteKey extends TRoute['key']
>(route: TRoute, routeKey: TRouteKey, options: IsRouteOptions & { exact: true }): route is TRoute & { key: TRouteKey }
export function isRoute<
TRoute extends RouterRoute,
TRouteKey extends TRoute['key']
>(route: TRoute, routeKey: TRouteKey, options?: IsRouteOptions): route is TRoute & { key: `${TRouteKey}${string}` }
export function isRoute<
TRouteKey extends RegisteredRoutesKey
>(route: unknown, routeKey: TRouteKey, options: IsRouteOptions & { exact: true }): route is RegisteredRouterRoute & { key: TRouteKey }
export function isRoute<
TRouteKey extends RegisteredRoutesKey
>(route: unknown, routeKey: TRouteKey, options?: IsRouteOptions): route is RegisteredRouterRoute & { key: `${TRouteKey}${string}` }
Type guards that asserts a value is RouterRoute
and optionally that it is also a specific route based on a route key.
Type parameters
Type parameter | Description |
TRouteKey extends string | A string type that should match route key of RegisteredRouteMap, ensuring the route key exists. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
route | RouterRoute | The current route |
routeKey | TRouteKey | Optional. The key of the route to validate against. |
options.exact | boolean | Optional. If true a parent of the current route will not be considered a match |